Tuesday, August 26, 2003

We got our questionnaires/interview schedules back this afternoon. God. I suck. I really do. "Sabog, parang halo-halo ang mga katanungan" What the heck. So apparently, the instrument I cooked up just isn't going to work for my thesis. Le sigh. I got disappointed, and I was grateful that I didn't get called on to share my interview schedule (with the corrections) with the class.

Better things. I finally climbed (yes, six flights of stairs, man. I was coming from the basement.) up to the Archives where the theses were located. The original thesis I had looked up seemed really related with my topic, but I checked it out earlier, and it doesn't really connect. I'm going back to read some more. That thesis is so old. May 1985. Man. I was only 2 years old then! Good thing the paper wasn't brittle or anything like that. I wouldn't want to have dissertations crumbling at the turn of a page.

I have a date with the library again tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be productive and something will come out of all this work. Ok, well, I haven't been working-working, but I'm getting there. I just need another wake-up call, or something. I'm getting a lot lazier again, and I'm scared that I'll put off my thesis until the deadline - which is a definite NO-NO! I don't want to turn in a crammed thesis proposal! Ma'am B's going to kill me. (OK, maybe not. She's too nice.) But I really want to get it done as soon as I can. Less worries that way, right? I'm giving myself at least two more weeks to get as much stuff I need for RRL. I want to be well-read. I want to know everything there is to know about OCI and class participativeness.

We had a lottery in class today to figure out who's going to be in the first batch (September 15) and the second (September 19). I got the number 9, and although it says 1-10 is the first batch, I think I'm going to get bumped off to the second. All six absentees are included in the first batch because, well, we said so. HAHA. Lesson? Never be absent from 199. (:

Sunday, August 17, 2003

I'm currently finishing up my revised interview-slash-questionnaire. It's due tomorrow. We won't be having class for the rest of the week, so I guess that gives us time to read up on theses and books and journal articles. I should get working on this.

I'm not sure if the scale I "made" will work, but that's the beauty of having someone check up on your work. At least I'll know that it's wrong and I'll have time to fix up before the real thing next sem. I was thinking today about samples and observations and who and what I'm going to study. Eek. The choices are endless, but I will have to pick a sample that's easy to access, more or less. Augh. Stress.

Oh, and tonight I went to National Bookstore and found out that there were a bunch of books they were selling real cheap. I picked up a book that said "Dictionary of Statistics". It only cost me P30. It might be useful to me someday, say, next sem. We're advised to hire statisticians for our theses. Hmm. I hope they charge cheap. s: I don't have friends from Stat. Sighsighsigh.

September 15 is less than a month away. I should get cracking.

Monday, August 11, 2003

It's Monday and I have no interview schedule yet. I read half of the "Interviews & Interview Schedules" Ma'am B gave us. Hmm. How will I pull this off this time? I have `til four to think of my interview schedule. I've got enough time. No need to panic just yet.

Friday, August 08, 2003

We haven't gotten our test results yet, but I'm not so sure if I did well. Sigh. But it's over, so stressing about it won't change anything about it.

So the deadline for the FINAL draft is on *drumroll please* SEPTEMBER 15, 2003. That's a little over a month from now. I'm so scared and nervous and altogether worried about it!

I finally got to photocopy two journal articles for my Review of Related Lit. I still need a lot of books and that thesis I saw on OPAC. So far, I just got the call numbers and other information (like which library, etc.) about the books.

Interview schedule due on Tuesday. Hoo boy. This is going to be a long weekend.

Monday, August 04, 2003

It's been a whole week and I haven't touched my thesis. Sigh. School's been so unbelievably hectic that I haven't stepped inside the library other than to return some books I borrowed. ARGH! I'm so dead.

Tomorrow is the dreaded first long exam. Ohmygoodness, I haven't even studied yet. I want to strangle myself right now.